Many thanks must be given to the Bristol Schools' Library Service, who helped with the initial selection of resources and provided the inspiration to begin this project.
Front Page Image "Sunset over Bristol Docks 1885" courtesy of artist Rodney Charman
1721 Alabama
The slave ship, Africane, as illustrated by artist Nathan Glick
(Source: Alabama Department of Archives and History, Montgomery, Alabama. Nathan H. Glick pen and ink drawings, LPR92)
Tom Feelings and the Middle Passage
"Bristol and the Sugar Trade" - Alison Grant
"The Savage Trade" - Neil Grant
"A Respectable Trade?" - Bristol Museum & Art Gallery
"Bristol: Maritime City" - Frank Shipsides and Robert Wall
"The Bristol Story" - Max Barnes
"Bristol and Transatlantic Slavery" - Bristol Museums & Art Gallery
The information contained in these web pages has been collated from various sources by Andrew Nash.
Website originally published in 2002.
Should you have any comment, criticism, correction or further information please don't hesitate to contact him.